Friday, May 27, 2011


我今天才知道,四川大地震是人類造出來的。我的 Interior Design 的 Lecturer 說, 因爲中國人把一大部分的地方(譬如 Kuala Lumpur to Penang )這麽大的地方 建水壩,因爲需要發電器。他們用了八年的時間把人民都搬遷到四川去。過後,水壩的外殼建好了 就倒水進去!因爲水的重量很重,地球承受不了那個壓力!就往別處爆發。。。(四川)

怎麽說馬來西亞也會有地震? 因爲馬來西亞人建了一個水壩比新加坡還要大的水壩在 Sarawak,目前還沒把水倒下去!倒了什麽事情會發生?還是平安無事? Who knows?

謝謝 Eric Leong 給我們的知識!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


看着油標一直往下跌 是時候要“加油”了 看錢也非常的重要 最重要就不要踏上不歸路 路還有很長 要一步一步得走 就算走着走着 路途中遇到有風也要撐着 想想一路走來的路 往後看看你的腳印 問問自己 這算不算是成長 那些腳印也比不來 爸爸媽媽臉上的皺紋 人生如戏我要演的甘愿 每个人的人生际遇都不相同 谁不想有很多成就 谁都曾经有过漂亮的青春纹身 只是有一天终究它会变成皱纹 不妨也聼下一些音樂。“ 唔想烦  想自自由由跟住感觉晕下晕下咁嚟玩 ”



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The 19th night 20th midnight!

 I'm very very bery LATE to blog it! Forgive me please =(. Well!! Let's back the topic. Wow... It's a good night for me (experience) some more is first time to enter Maison with guest performer! Ahhhhhhh! CHILL CHILL, I reached there around 9pm+ something and go chill Mc Kyd up at some makmak store!  
 Yea, this is our Mc Kyd!! He is wearing the HYPEKILLZ KL which is HYPEKILLZ X CRAP crossover tees. You guys can crab it at Perverse! Only RM89.00, oh man.. I want it too! Support local brand Malaysian! Peace.

Hahaha! This is my pretty Bff! She birthday on 20th of May, she was countdown at there and support me!!
LOVE you!!! (you wore the high heels, yea.. finally she tall than me!)

Yea yea, PEACE! All the peoples were MAD inside the Maison caused of him! Yesh, he is most KL wanted EMCEE! MIC STAR! If you met him before, you will know what my feeling at the night! He is damn pro, he makes the peoples high! You can like his page on facebook Mic Star Vibe ! Malaysian, please support local emcee! You wouldn't regret you like his page and attend his event or some thing! Hahaha, is really awesome and crazy!

YESH! Crazy, is my turn on 1.20am++ on 20th of May. Crazy crazy, I soooooooooooo NERVOUS and I need to stand on the stage! (I really worry fall down from the stage!) Sorry about didn't record the video! You can see the picture on my facebook! Peace yo. Thanks the guys who came to support me! Seriously, if don't have your all scream and crap and shout! I think the moment is cool...... =) Thanks to support! Much LOVE!

Some more my college life is started one week ago, I think will busy on weekdays. Start to get some assignment! What I should say, work hard X) Is different with secondary life now. So, stay peace and chill! Keep going!